Now for weird people i know. (no names of couse; CODE names) Firstly, Blue Eyes White Dragon. Piccy on da left! She has a secret dream of becoming a assasin and taking over the world with a selection of gun toting chickens. we made the 'Fellowship of the Chicken'. She has two sisters: Boobriar and Nornie. By the way, all my friends are insane. Bwahahahaha! ;-P

Now Pepsi. This friend thinks she is the best. Her favourite phrase is "youngin!" and "u will never learn". She got super villian in the villian quiz (see PAGE 1), she kept blowing stuff up! She also shares an amazing psycic link with B.E.W.D. (Blue eyes white dragon) She has a sister called Fluffy! Pic below!

Now for Pepsi's account of a typical day in the life of Greypuss, B.E.W.D. and Pepsi.


Firstly Pepsi has anger managment lessons in the morning. In registration we look at how pretty our nails are and sit in silence.

At break we meet blue eyes white dragon and stand in our traditional spot.

We talk about eyebrows taking over the universe and eyeballs. At lunch we meet at the radiator and go to a sandwich shop. We get nearly eaten by seagulls, and greypuss goes insane saying she is master of the seagulls.

Greypuss does evil hand thing. When some1 asks Greypuss a question she replies in a vague voice "what?"

B.E.W.D talks about chickens and pepsi goes on and on and on about not very interesting things.

On special occasions different more WEIRD things happen, like when we were stalked, attacked by a man with a chainsaw, lying down on the ground in the middle of the pavement, and were attacked by seagulls when Greypuss fed them all our sandwiches.

Now for my brother, GameBoy. He is addicted to gaming and we have a PS2, gamecube, PS1, Gameboy pocket, colour, advance and now advance sp for him to play on! He also is following in my footsteps in trying to take over the world with a glue stick called Greg.

Now an old weird friend who geos to boarding school. Molefred. She knew me before my weird days and txted me to tell me to put her in the weird website! We have long discussions about the combine harvester song that everyone loves.
Here's a snippet!
"I've got a brand new combine harvester
And I'll give you the key!"

Don't you just love that song? sing it to any tune round and round again! It's good for annoying people.

Now for me, Greypuss. I want to take over the world with a range of over priced video games, then use the cash to hold the world ransom with a big weapon for even more cash! BWAHAHAHAHA!

A GIANT picture of me!

Now for:

Normal People I Know

1. Toffee
2. Lolly
3. Woiden
4. Bagshaw
5. Bagpuss
6. Fatty
7. Space Marine
8. Gladiator

They all requested 2 be mentioned by code-name on this site!

Go to

My normal friends! (Not THAT normal actually!):